domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

Seagate Barracuda IV ** Fake **

--- I have a big question about this HD I bought a little while since my Mobo does not identify as being Seagate Barracuda IV or anything, it's like on my machine had an HD "without brand. "
PcMark2002 I used to run tests on the HD, CPU, Memory ... and to my surprise my program called Blessed GENERIC HD, how can
Will took pig in a poke
Please post your opinions, it is still under warranty!

Ps.: Seagate Barracuda IV 60GB (7200rpm)
Pps.: He accuses Tues 55GB! ---

Since these programs are not accurate.
Compare the label on your hd with this link: / storage/seagate-barracuda-ata4 /
Otherwise they can be like her is a barracuda barranada eheheh, but I think hd's very difficult to falsify, what happens is the guy rolling the client to sell a particular brand and deliver another to the unwary.
: wink:

But even if they took a hd junk (say, western digital 5400 rpm), not appear to detect I found it strange appear as generic HD.
Paste a fake label, still going ... now do the hd be detected as generic ... I think a lot more complicated.

--- Well, the fact that only recognize 55 GB and the fact that manufacturers consider 1GB = 1,000,000,000 if you take a property on the HD will do anything it 60,000,000,000 bag .. mo play ..
Now the fact of not recognizing, can not believe that HD will falsify this way ...
Counterfeiter ... informatics components
Damn .. on a processor that they falsify the life I clap my hands for piracy .. heheheh ---

tried another program --- Ta

you out ... processors are already forging a long time.

--- That's right, I can still remember when I bought a pentium 200/mmx faked some six years ago, it was only major release that kept crashing so I was changing and discovered it was fake:

--- Dear friend who spoke in proc. it is not hd proc. ok ---

Has to do with things that give fake problem
Ricardo de Castilho is not flooder

--- What goes on the market for a while hard drives are not fake models, but refurbished , ie, problems with hard drives that were repaired by the factory and put back on sale.
Compare Serial Number (S / N) which is in the off the HD with etiquela on the side. The numbers should be identical.
Another: the Seagates are identified by their model code. Where starting with TS. ---

Shadowwarrior, a topic
risen 1.5 years ago Gee, the guy should have to have sold the HD, or if it was found true or false. But if you want a hint to identify make / model etc.. HD's, post here.

--- Yeah, I had not even turned on the date of the first post ... these gravediggers ... ---

Deny that it is rude for naturaza right! --- Face

sorry forgot I was talking to a behavior specialist and has a crystal ball to know about my education. hahaha
Dear Friend is simply tired of seeing moderator locking topic cause he has strayed from the subject and why I said that, more attention ok --- Dear

Read the full rules of conduct of this forum.
Besides you dig out a totally useless topic (see the date of mailing of the user above) you respond rudely to alert colleagues about his act, which does not match the expected behavior in this community.
This time is alert, the next may be suspended.

[] 's

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