domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

How to cut acrylic sheets

--- Well, I've been concerned about these very matters on case mod, but I still have one question: how do I do to cut acrylic sheets used as windows What tool can I use for this
And one more question: what is the best paint to paint the cabinet I've seen many suggestions here, but do not want to risk it. And then, should be two types of paint: to paint a metal parts and another to paint the plastic parts of the computer ... Suggestions : :

--- I use to cut jigsaw with a guide in order to make the cut straight, the paint you can use automotive paint plastic parts that you must first pass a sealer, then a primer, sanding and then paint using spray paint and use an airbrush for detail, the procedure for plastic parts is the same to paint the bumper of a car.

--- I have wanted to know how to hold the acrylic plate on the lid of the case.
Won! ---

Uses rubber profile in the format H or S. .. H is the best, is a more beautiful finish ... looks
aki how to ...

--- Yesterday I painted my only sanded with sandpaper all parts 320 and spray painted with a matte black, I'm pretty cool.
Know q is nothing professional, but it was good and cheap . hehehe
Now the question, paint with spray paint has a problem

--- Did not you have some pictures of it for me (or us) see (mos)
I like the idea of ​​painting the micro.

--- If you do not have a jigsaw, can lead to a skilled plumber who will do it with a blowtorch, which by the way, is much better than fret because of the finish
acrylic cutting torch 8O 8O 8O

--- q I like to paint the floppy drive and cut the acrylic cover and I shot a few otos and put here.
Unfortunately I can only paint the Label at the end of December when q is the warranty ends, al leave blank for now.

--- I cut with my soldering iron ... then took a lixadinha edges, very lightly, 'cause after all is inside and not seen. And the transparent acrylic used a clipboard for papers that I bought for U.S. $ 4.00 in stationery. ---

To do hurricane fan (yeah, right ... hurricane bore hole ... hehe) I bought a saw and cut glass of 79mm acrylic q or butter ... heheheh
cutie ...
gotta be very careful when cutting the acrylic to fret, because if the saw gives a quick getaway, goodbye new window! hehehe ... I went with drill drill the acrylic to guide the saw cup and clenched it all ... almost beeem then went in the morning ... heheh

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