sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

3d video

--- How do I install the support of my Asus GeForce 3D in linux
Games like Quake, TuxRace, etc. I think naum run for it ... the card was detected and installed in the installation of the system and think it was without that support 3d .... thank
. ---

NVIDIA provides drivers and TBM has Xfree that has 3D support and others do not, depends on the version. ---

Download these two unpack both tar-zxvf
from the folder you created
cd / pastaqueelecriou
and commands make

make install NOTE: Always make the "kernel" first, then the GLX!
Now you must edit the file / etc/X11/XF86Config or XF86Config-4 (depends on on what your uses linux) and edit alugas lines there.
q Read the README comes with one of the files you downloaded ... q explains everything right there.
After finishing just q reboot the next boot it will be displayed in the nvidia logo at boot.


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