sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

He returned, the bohemian back again!

--- And then

Linuxista guys!
Some time now disbanded WXP pro, but every time I enter the Penguins have a surprise, now a good time!!
I had to change my monitor, as the former crashed and I had a surprise when I went to the Penguin-I confess that I entered my praying for him to recognize a new monitor LG - the screen is much better than Windows, that Uncle Bill ta lose ugly!!

--- If you had a monitor of lower quality than the previous edit your xf86 recommend that as these new monitors you can increase
Hz In the case of detecting monitor does not have much to do as it probably he (xf86)'re using a generic or use a compatible configuration, or the bottom of this then you probably nescessidades funcinaria
.. What if you had not already aconeteceria optimized for monitors and you played a strong bottom, he probably would be out the frequency ..

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