sexta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2012

Asus A7V333 VIA KT333 AGP slot is 4X


Asus A7V333 VIA KT333 mobo has AGP slot, but it is 4X

--- Yes it is 4x.

--- Not only does 4x 8x as it's coming around, this mobo is already compatible.
Can be seen in this link:
< BR>
--- It

--- Do not know if 8x, but at least 4x or eh soh it, eh 4X as 'PRO' that invents ASUS to put in almost all mobos it faiz q, the problem eh q I do not know if this eh advantage or disadvantage, it does not have much comment there ... :/ /

--- I had one that came with the Asus AGP Pro slot, but almost no board also uses these extra contacts. Today practically the newer cards have AGP 4X slot.
I! ---

Has AGP 4x yes, how has the 8x because I have this card, which will have the 8x is the new VIA chip that has not been released yet.

--- All motherboards manufactured today are at least 4X. ---

Has 4X, 8X but no, not yet suporata KT333 8X, chipsets that support 8X already confirmed are the KT400 and nForce2! --- Unfortunately

seems to q, the KT400 will no longer be manufactured, his performance, is below the 333 kt, and VIA announced q not already fabricated over the KT, the sony, among other manufacturers, q had contracts with the same, are fighting, probably wildfire soh \

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