sexta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2012

That I did not understand

--- Yesterday I changed my SoftModem by a hardmodem, installed the new modem everything right, gives the driver removed the old modem, then reinicei the machine and locked in the Post. I made a reset, then began a continuous beep (piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii), the monitor went into stanby and stop there. : The HD started spinning discs but will not start. I hung up and called several times and the same thing happened. I removed all cards and left only the essential work there. Fiu placing plate by plate and testing until I turned it all over again and everything was normal as before. What can have happened I had only exchanged the modem any more! How strange, for a moment thought I had lost the processor! Phew! ---

Once qdo the time I used my P3 800, I had a Soyo 7VBA 133, spiked it, a TNT2 m64, after a while, I changed the video with a GeForce 2MX, and she never returned to work right ... the last time I called it the mobo did not care and gave long beeps, and paused .. only that you had better luck than me, and your machine back to normal, mine does not ... and never found out what happened ... ---

Tb had a small problem after changing a TNT2 M64 by a GeForce4. The boot now takes 20 seconds more (without giving any errors), and even today I do not know why and could not return to its previous condition. Strange .......... ---

Boards had problems with the type and the most common was popular all expansion slots (agp / pci / isa) and mobo (it seemed) does not hold. esquizitamente I pulled the card a little higher up, gave a Toquinho, a pat (eta bullshit) and it worked. I never knew if the prob was reaumente connectors / card slot, but work for me jah was reason enough not to tweak: P
other thing that gave this type of error was the USB. disabling it in BIOS config took a bucado problems.
oh, and have those basic things tb q jah you must have tried but it lembrah neh kra: wink:, type:
- disable (if any) by the modem onboard jumper or bios (if the mobo is jumperless)
-set to AUTO or * another address other than the default * SERIAL port from the BIOS-
Make a Clear CMOS the power connector disconnected from the mobo
-Check all jumpers to see if any of them involved in this case ---

These problems can occur mainly by bad contact card in the slot or the motherboard that is not fixed with firmness in the office or even the office of poor quality that makes the plate warping. When you insert or remove a card in these cases, these errors can cause the PC to boot, then a removal of all plates, cleaning the contacts and the establishment of an improved motherboard solves the problem.

--- I agree, I had a 586 that seemed flexible office, had to fit the plates and then attach the motherboard, if you ran the risk of a board jump when it was fit. But remember also the old and forgotten static, which causes many problems and damage completely if it is too intense ... --- There

moçada! excuse to give my opinion on this! This kind of problem you guys report is what is most bastard to happen to us. It is always a risk insert a card in mobo (in terms of hardware, say), especially mobos many hours of use. The plates working at high temperature, concentrated heating at some points, undergo dilation non-uniform temperature to reach equilibrium. They are exposed to physical stress that every time we turn on and turn off our máquinas.Após few hundred times, this has a direct consequence of the weld points (thousands) and eyelets (double sided), with the heats, cools tend to become " cold-welding ", cracking easily at the slightest physical exertion such as inserting a card into a slot or even tension (bending) the motherboard to secure it in new cabinet (there is bad contact on the right). From my experience, tampered with in any mobo should be made "with the hand of a girl" means Supporting plate with a force in the opposite direction to the insertion inclusive.Isso .... why have not even spoken of as static, that many lay people (and vendors) or exista.Quando believe that working on a project with processors, even taking all possible care in the laboratory burned three pieces in 10 days, so it is no exaggeration to say, discharge yourself before touching anything inside the máquina.Defeitos by "burning" with static electricity let anyone crazy, especially because often leave the machine with intermittent defect, difficult to diagnose this is ...... there guys! ... I ..... --- A point

almost forgotten by many .....: roll: ... this issue of expansion of the solder joints is fire .... .... I lost a sy-6vca so ....

simple! when he put the modem occupied the same irq some other device, when it took all the cards again and put the BIOS was able to "organize" correctly addresses
OBS he probably put it back the first modem that therefore "caught" first one irq up correctly and the rest was allocated to other devices


--- not because it was not the modem that I put those USRobotics jumpeáveis ​​is then He set up the jumper to use IRQ 3 that no other device was using. The strange thing is that when I connected the new modem and everything was turned on the micro pefeitamente, I installed the modem with a standard Windows driver and he took the IRQ 3. All cute, so I uninstalled the driver I used Motorola SoftModem and rebooted the computer not to trace the driver, where the witch came! --- Yes

friend but the irq is usable ('d say so) with some intervelo / O that is specific in this exchange (take and put devices) not only the IRQ (q vc assigned by jumper) is also directed to the range of I / O q should be in use by another device also has set, ie not just a witch was no "auto adjust" address made by the BIOS

Claudio Pacheco - -
Thanks Claudio, but only a conflict that can make your PC do not Post 8O
post but as you had said that "after reinicei the machine and locked in the Post" as the error IRQ q q even quoted this would occur because the conflict "lets you do "The post however does not leave after loading the OS the machine is a conflict, so the system is stopped when checking the error (in the case cited the conflict), I made it clear if not, post back your doubts.
be insisting Sorry but only caught the first time after you have rebooted, then when I reset did nothing POST only one BIP continuous (equal to those of hospital equipment that mark the beat Heart. I found the micro had died: lol:) and did not show anything on the screen because the monitor went into stanby. I do not think seje something related to IRQ or memory address, I believe seje plus what others have talked about expansion and contraction due to heating of the mobo.

--- Very interesting this! ---
surely had not paid much attention when you said "there when I reset did nothing POST only one BIP continuous" in this case really has nothing to do with IRQ, I qa machine after q you changed the device it still showed the post, is really in this case also guess something must have occurred as mentioned above the plate, with circuits "addicted"
Claudia Pacheco

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