terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2012

Help in using this software

--- Good morning everyone!
I'll put a maxtor 40gb hd, a PC with old BIOS (q is probably not recognize the hd), itautec with bios 1995 (update or will give), so I'll try to use DiskManager but procedures as ñ know I am full of doubts. 8O
1st. q I will install this hd through the old system : :
2nd. how do I use DM to install the HD starting this micro : :
3rd. this can hurt performance if I install the hd in a micro current, or just format the hd q it back to normal : :
Anyone used this soft, or can help me. : :: Wink :: wink:
Sorry for the long text, but you guys know it's kind of hard to be straight to the point without being known (posts). ops: ops: Thanks toall
q can help me. : Lol: ---

Vc would put the setting of this machine type CPU / card etc
Cheers, Marcelo Cruz

--- Well, not I know if I'm right, but I think the W95 does not support large hard drives, so you'll have to partition it into multiple partitions approximately 500MB, that would be extremely inconvenient in a 40GB HD. I remember once my brother changed the computer's hard drive home and he had to be partitioned into four (he was 2GB). So, honestly, I think you'll have to install a newer version of Win w / HD can use this (or you install another version and it uses a dual boot machine).
Good luck! ---

Kro coworker should something going on in this machine of his brother pq Win95 disk but most agree that in a single 2.0GB partition, the disk must be limited in his brother's machine and not of Syst. Operational. I am currently repairing a Pentium 233Mhz machine with Win95 and 10Gb HD.
Cheers, Marcelo Cruz

--- I have already put a large hard disk on a k5-100 and the BIOS only recognized 8GB .

--- I have used W95 larger partitions with a few GB, and I think tb qa limitation is in the BIOS. Older machines q is the size limit. --- Is a

itautec 133 s.o. win95, megatrend bios (1995 ~ 96), 16 RAM.
Those old. : Wink:

--- Dear
really limiting the ability of Hd is the Bios, and SO not
Sincerely, Paul

--- Absolutely.

--- Nobody knows how to use or never used this software, old PCs in a client : :: :: :: :
No one to help ---

Physically install the HD, it will be recognized as 8GB.
Put a boot disk and start the machine.
Place the disk with the type and dm dm.
Within the dm you can choose Easy installation or advanced installation, is practically the same thing, you will be asked questions like what kind of fat to use, choose fat 32, and if you want to use the fast format (I recommend using not score for him to test the surface of the disk, and also about how to use calving. He will recognize that this is a hd 40 and will install the DDO (Dynamic Drive Overlay).
When the machine restarts, the hard drive is already bootable, it will boot through the DDO, and will ask you to put a boot disk to install windows. Note that the DDO, boota first HD and then it asks to put the boot floppy.
Use win95 B (OSR 2) or C (OSR 2.5), because the fat does not support 32.
through Fat 32 you can make a partition 40, but I recommend at least two of 20 or more.

I hope I have helped.
Ask me what you do not understand ...

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