sexta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2012

Q processadorzinho motherfucker! (P4 NORTHWOOD)


Galera, the p4 northwood naum run on older cards to P4, as intel D850GB naum Need to have another chipset Can someone tell me more about that : Cry:

--- That was a great fuck. A little after I bought the D850GB Intel launched the Northwood 478-pin socket, instead of 423. This means that to use the board Northwood Intel D850NV would be, if I'm not mistaken. For those who have a GB, just to go to the 2 G processor with 423-pin willametes ......... : Evil:

--- Damn, man, drug q! The worst eh q this mobo was very expensive, about 450.00, and now I'll be seeing bird when you want to upgrade! I HATE INTEL!! : Evil: Soh buy AMD now! ---

Is expensive, and the worst is that v. want to upgrade w / a 2G Willamete in 6 months, you can no longer find the processor market. And if you slip up here at one time or PC800 Rambus memories will have use of the way things go.
Chasing upgrade of IT is a headache and money spent endless ........ ...... : Evil:

--- Guys, if I'm not mistaken there is already an adapter to solve the problem ... I'll give you guys a searched after post here .......... < BR> I thought ......
Thankfully, there are some companies that can save you guys from Intel ... ******* : P ---

This adapter exists but w / the new Northwood with cache ................. 512

--- Did not you read what they're writing in the area of ​​suports not.
He also accepts northwood.
Willamett Both use the same as northwood socket 478.

--- Fixing: Thunder and D.2, v think. is right: it supports up to upgrade w / the new Northwood with 512 cache. The problem is who can bring it to Brazil:! ::! ::!: ---

Especially with that price.
Makes no sense to buy one that's best to buy another MOBO. --- Thanks

there, guys! Ha light at the end of the tunnel!
Dude, even q naum is being sold in stores, I think these sites q q bring out, as navenet, infofoz, etc. will have available. Just the northwood begin to popularize. But the site
ta advertised at $ 49.00. Here in Brazil, with freight and escambau, is expected to reach about 200 ~ 250 dollars. Eh a case to think about. : Roll: ---

Certainly not worth it.
Is better to sell everything, get a 1800XP with a Soltek 75DRV4 or 5 and be happy: wink:
I agree with xp .. but am more ... Soltek naum get the msi .. equal to blast the ball ... show!

--- Dear TC,
You have my full support in their choice, both the processor and the brand and model of Mobo. : Wink: ---

naum is why you saw the MSI .. or move on epox ... : Twisted: Viva

--- AMD
Who bought a A7V133 eg 2 years ago until it is using XP1800 hj
EPoX vein .. . ---

Not put the blame entirely on intel, because the lack of information causes more damage than even the crap from Intel. Even before being released the P4 Northwood I already knew about the incompatibility of Soket. Now is not that long ago that you bought the card, try switching and pay the difference to the motherboard that supports the CPU. ---

Boss bought p4, as already stated, an A7V133 has the support of 1.8 xp!!
Amd live!!
1 - -
Po, guys, i know I made a bad business, but need escrachar naum. Hehehe! I regret to jah. : Cry: ---

MSI that you're talking about is K7T266PRO If this really is very show.
Excellent plate 8)

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