sexta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2012

Permissions for users. How to change

--- I created a new User, but I can not install an application that is in the RPM format. Soh I install if I am root. How do I make to free access to this User ---

Is why many files are installed in directories that only root has permission to write, you can change the permissions of / etc / usr and others with the chmod but I do not advise doing that, is dangerous. ---

Entaum the solution h always install any package as root and then return to normal User

--- Yes, that's what everyone does (including me) .....

H --- that's right!

--- Yes that's right. This is the spirit of linux .. only root who should configure and intalar things .. --- Hugs

think it should be programmed so that the lock ********, everyone who wants to install wherever
--- Not
so fast, in Win 2000/XP users in the group "limited" can not install or remove programs and not change system settings, either delete or dll files. The two versions I have quoted are extremely stable and proof barbeiragens.

--- But see when the Micosoft is played this detail! the * nix it's been generations that is so. To release

--- read / write / execute for all users:
Code: chmod arwx [nome_do_pacote.rpm] Nahum remember if it can be done all at once, but anything gives a little jump in # 33 'cause they're more explicadinho, ok : Lol: ---

But this will only allow you to change the package, but do not let it install directories in access restricted to root.

--- Ah, yes! It was bad, podecre!
I thought he naum tava getting 'run' installation pq pct had no access ops:
Do you have any reason! : Wink:

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