Managed to overclock to 1000MHz 1100MHz changing the fsb to 110x10 to 100x10, so far so good, q only if I increase the fsb to 111x10, 112x10 or something more, sometimes the mobo power naum , qdo league hangs in windows xp, q is
Tava seeing in there and it seems MBM5 qa voltage Bixa're half right this influences q's you think
aki is an image I captured MBM5 q, look, I think qa low voltage're helping al
http://www.adrenaline.com.br / SITE / a ... = & postid = 66212 ---
QDO is starting to stick to the limit in general.
But you did not increase the CPU voltage. Try 1.85V
1.8 or 3.3 also
voltage can be increased to drop out of Mem, although q stand for PC100 111 to T333.
5.0 is really low. Not only has the A7V133 q 2 stages regulator comes to fall to less than 4.75V at 1.93v on the CPU.
I get the max of 130MHz over the CPU. With 100 or 166MHz FSB. The limit seems to be the end of the same freq. ---
Be naum q can burn the processor by increasing the voltage
--- Dude, how to increase the voltage of 3.3V
--- If you do not keep an eye on the temperature it burns. --- To
only burn very hot, or stay in forcing the cpu freq that gives an error. Use a good cooler. The reference of the Mobo temp is only useful reference. AT real is always greater.
Go to the most stable and down a few MHz, to have a safety margin.
To increase the voltage I / O chipset and memories, gotta see if the motherboard has jumpers to change. Many do not offer this option.
Avoid using very high voltages. I used a comb to sink some time. At 150MHz it heats up a lot in v 3.6.
Finished my hacks cooling.
Sawed, sanded, and painted poly passive sinks Blue Tit and pasted from my mem in 4200, joined a slot cooler jumping a bay.
Very cool blue and red and silver my video card.
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