domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

Network Card and Memory

--- I just bought a notebook presario celeron 600 and would like to install a network card and a memory stick. I wonder if it is too complicated to open a notebook and perform the installation myself, and I would like to know how to do it. I know easily install on desktops, I wonder if in the procedure is similar notebooks.
Please help me.

8O Thanks in advance --- To start
the easiest: check the manual if this laptop already has built-in ethernet. The modern laptops usually pretty as this one has. If not, buy a PCMCIA network card and plug it into a PCMCIA slot. The rest is plug 'n play, just need to install the driver.
PS: Put the PCMCIA card with the laptop off, just turn it on, it always makes

The most difficult: ram is more complicated. Do you need to know to qto RAM your laptop supports, check the HP website. Then buy a stick of RAM that preferably is compatible with your model. In the case of SDRAMs, this is not much problem, but it may be that some comb that you buy at random to be incompatible. Many stores laptops can tell you what the correct comb, and some install at no additional cost. Of qq way, the installation is easy, as on a desktop.

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