quarta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2012

lower frequency

--- I have a 233 mobo running a vx-pro and turn on the machine it shows the post 233 more after a few minutes and reseto the machine and turn it back appears 225 mhz instead of 233. Anyone know <BR> why this happens --- This frequency appears <BR> qndo you have a 200Mhz processor (or else configured as 66x3), but using a 75MHz bus. See if the jumpers are set correctly, or in the latter case, with poor contact. If it persists it is probably a problem with the circuit PLL (clock generator) plate or co ... --- The processor is 233 and the jumper settings are correct: <BR> <BR> Multiplier Voltage 2.8V 1.5 <BR> P-55C <BR> 66MHz FSB <BR> This machine was stopped, so I decided to check it because it was a guy to buy, but began to catch and give errors in the Windows 98SE files until I felt a burning smell ... was going to the processing bag. melted the bottom, as brave as I put another processor that I had left and switched the cooler. <BR> The machine started to work but is having this problem frequently. I do not want to sell unless you are sure it will work correctly. <BR> Will gives to use the machine under these conditions If lowering the frequency to 200 will be that there will be risks <BR>'m Not to lose more than one processor. <BR> Hugs --- Matero, <BR> This variation may be occurring, because of some dysfunction in the Bios. If you stop there, should not affect the operation of the machine. <BR> I suggest you give a clear the CMOS, replace the battery from the motherboard and apply some intensive testing program for a long time to see if stable, that is what matters. <BR> Good luck! --- What podeira program I run for testing --- The cpuburn could be one of them. Take a look at the X255 Downloads section you will find others. --- Yesterday I clear the cmos, formatted the hd and tried to install Win98SE but <BR> hours to starting the first time began to blue screen with vxd errors, crashes, in order, I think I will not give up this card Unless someone here has a card up its sleeve to help me.

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