domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

ATX doubt

--- Hello, I have a pentium 200MMX with 32 MB of Ram and a PCChips motherboard, and my source AT burned. Oh I bought an ATX, but I can not boot it on your PC ..... How do w / turning on the computer will I need to replace AT by a source ...... thanks for the attention .... Paulinho

--- My dear friend.
Make sure the tension that is active in her source is to receive 110 or 220
that leaves its stabilizer is very likely that the 110 is ok then the source should be set up to accommodate 110.
When you turn on the machine it lights the LED cd Ron Cooler and driven
Well check it there on your machine and then put here with an answer so we can help you
: idea: ---

your motherboard has support ATX sources Baby-AT boards usually have two connectors for ATX and AT power supplies and some have the option of selecting the type of font used in the power management, if this is the case, change the AT to ATX if a card Baby -AT with this support.
If the board has only the connector for AT power supplies, will have to buy an AT Source.

--- At first if you could plug in the ATX MOBO. Right If yes, you have to close the short jumper PWR (power) ... If you connect Blz ...

--- Hello, thanks for the tip, I managed to turn the computer giving a short jumper in the PWR, but now I always have to give the short p / turn on your computer ..... I wanted to know like I do w / fix this, or turn on your computer without giving short ...... I thank you forever .... Paulinho

--- Sorry to intromissã, but not for jamper give short in the stalk but call the office (the one that leaves the power button your PC) in the place where you are giving short, think that friend meant "close the loop"
His office is AT, so he has no stalk ... ---

Replied to your e-mail, but will here too ... How
his office is AT the key on / off does not help, try to buy only the key on / off an ATX case, because what it does is just make this little short ...

--- If you do not have an on / off switch for ATX you can use the Reset. Functions in the same way, of course .. you will not reset. Use this temporary to buy ATX

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