quarta-feira, 4 de abril de 2012

What is the best cooler cost / benefit for AMD Phenom II x6 1090T

Hello everybody, I have a doubt cruel and need to hear from you! 
My cooler (Cooler Master Hyper TX3) crashed and was wondering what the best cooler you can buy in the range of about $ 150.00. I'm in doubt between the Evercool Transformer 4 and Akasa Venom Voodoo! Does anyone know if they can take my phenom cools X6 or do I have to go to otros??


My opinion, ok? 
This processor is a heat pump, I have a CM Hyper N520 and with prime95 running for 60mim it gets to 61 ° C, did not overclock. 

I researched a lot about Corsair H60 Water Cooler and can be good, it downloads a 10/15 ° C in this processor, getting there around 45/50 ° C, which is very good! 

In this price range I recommend the CM Hyper N620: 

If you can wait a minute, wait Air EVGA Superclocked arriving in Brazil, which should not take if it is urgent but I would of N620.


N620, in that price range if you want to save a little more can get the 212 plus hyper, or if he looks and can find the thermaltake NEW COLD by R $ 148.00 


It has the Zalman CNPS 10X Performa, which is very good, but only comes with a fan . 
If you want to save, has the Corsair A70, which has a performance near that Zalman CNPS 10X Performa. 
The A70's on the range of 70 real, since the other're 145.


I would of Akasa Venom Voodoo for sure. 



Hello Friend! 

The other great cooler's Friends recommended within the price range that you stipulated. 

However, if you can spend just a little of the stipulated price range (which is $ 150.00), you can take home a GREAT WATER COOLER, which is better than the Air Cooler's cited, see: 

1) Water Cooler Corsair CWCH60 A60 for about R $ 158.00 in 

Hug and Good Luck!


Not for nothing is not a friend but your processor can only have a problem fitting the cooler. I have a Phenom II x6 1100T with cooler box and only comes in 51/55 degrees when I'm pushing it, yielding films and using Photoshop at the same time and all this in days of extreme heat (even inside because I live here and SP is hot, believe me!). It's worth taking a look at the snap of him on board! Really, you not lose your investment after all, the processor does not grow on trees! 

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