domingo, 8 de abril de 2012

[Technical Details] OCZ 700w GameXstream

Going straight to the point. After a time of service, retired to the source of the topic, how was the hardware & do some cleanup. Right away, I noticed 3 capacitors stews, all of capxom. I want to replace them with three new ones. and enjoying the rush, I would like to know a specific detail of one of them. In spring, there is a capacitor, the greater also the mark of Capxom 420V / 470UF. 

1 - That he be rated as high, indicates that the internal voltage comes close to this value or multiple? 

2 - I intend to replace all other capxom capacitors: Rubycon, Nichicon, Panasonic, Sanyo and Fujitsu. Had a problem? 

3 - Any tips to improve the design of it? Replacement of other components, cooler, sinks, etc.? 

4 - As the tension here, 110v, I could replace the capacitor to 420V, for something smaller like 200-220v? 

PS: When I removed the power supply was okay. The same was working perfectly without any problems. What I intend to do something preventive only. A machine that feeds it is an E5200 (stock) Asus Commando, 4GB DDR2-800, EVGA 7950GT 512MB & EcoGreen 1TB WD. Only used to work and not think overclocking. I'd rather save my hardware & my bill. 



1 - if I'm not mistaken, she works with internally 310v 

Another post that may be helpful: # post5868147

Originally Posted by Z3R0 View Post
1 - That he be rated as high, indicates that the internal voltage comes close to this value or multiple?
Evidently so. The manufacturer would not put higher voltage capacitors, larger and more expensive so for nothing .. 

Originally Posted by Z3R0 View Post
2 - I intend to replace all other capxom capacitors: Rubycon, Nichicon, Panasonic, Sanyo and Fujitsu. Had a problem?
No problem since you to observe that both capacitors of good quality as the poor, have special series secundáia to work at the source, where often revolves around the 20,000 to 45,000 Hz, requiring special capacitors with low ESR (series resistance equivalent) and low (ESL equivalent series inductance). A switched capacitor wrong can last minutes, hours or days .. 

Originally Posted by Z3R0 View Post
3 - Any tips to improve the design of it? Replacement of other components, cooler, sinks, etc.?
This is intrinsically linked to the same project. Hard to change once the patch ... 

Originally Posted by Z3R0 View Post
4 - As the tension here, 110v, I could replace the capacitor to 420V, for something smaller like 200-220v?
Nothing, absolutely nothing to see the relationship of the input voltage with the voltage after the inductor of the PFC voltage across the capacitor can reach up to 350 volts DC. Let 420 volt insulation it is necessary .. 

Originally Posted by Z3R0 View Post
PS: When I removed the power supply was okay. The same was working perfectly without any problems. What I intend to do something preventive only. A machine that feeds it is an E5200 (stock) Asus Commando, 4GB DDR2-800, EVGA 7950GT 512MB & EcoGreen 1TB WD.Only used to work and not think overclocking. I'd rather save my hardware & my bill.


That is, a machine whose power demand at the peak of the peak, even reaches 180 Watts. What is there a source of promised 700 Watts instead of putting a great source of 400 watts only God knows ... 
See there the demand for your config, exercised lan site 


First of all, thanks for the assistance of two colleagues in my topic. Regarding the link Adrena: unable to access. I think the forum is off. I need more guidance regarding the source. During the disassembly process, I lost all 3 capacitors just stews. They are almost together in the source near the edge of the cables. If I'm not mistaken were 2 1000uf 16v and a 2200UF 6.3V. There is a wiring diagram of this source is available from the internet? I have looked for reviews on google, in the pictures is impossible, at least for me, read the specs. If anyone can help me, thank. 

Thank you. 

@ Faller: If I did not see a critique on the fact that the source to be "oversized" for the system, estranharia a little.  In my case, was at that time, she was promoting a very good and come straight from the USA. At least serves as an investment future.


The promotion existed because no one else wanted (or want) to know it in America. 
There is much future in 400W source of real quality.


Look, if I'm not mistaken, it was at launch. I'm getting the Rubycon capacitors gradually, and will replace all Capxom. Hopefully, at least, that have a source more durable. Perhaps the project is not so bad. Only the capacitors that are half vagabas. Have you thought about doing the same, I, with some other source? The result can be positive. Avoid unnecessary expense.

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